I woke up in paradise
I sat on the arching trunk of a tree over a stream. The beauty of my paradise is absolutely captivating. Despite being here for so long, the raw and radiating beauty never fails to shock me. The trees with multicolored leaves, the trunks, radiating silver and gold. The grass as soft and lush as Persian carpets. The rivers and their serenity. The fragrance filled air.

I was so absorbed into my surrounding. So much that my thoughts wandered off as usual. The baffling ability of humans to hold dear two conflicting emotions; the joy of my new abode and the pain of leaving my former abode. So early, so young and tender. And oh, the brute force with which I was pushed out.
A beautiful and sunny day it was. After series of lullaby, my mother left to take her bath. He then came in with gentle, long and sure strides; a predatory approach. I started to smile cheerfully, mistaking him for one of the soft souls whose heart melted at the glimpse of toddlers. How wrong I was!
He finally reached me, his face dark, betraying his intention. He yanked me off my cot, parted my legs and forced himself inside of me. So agonizing I felt my 2 year old body almost splitting into two defiled halves. He rushed out as soon as the rage full screams left my mouth, calling on motherhood. The last I remembered was the shocking horror on a mother’s face as a warm liquid rushed out of me.
As the warmth gushed out, the cold rushed in. I fought and held on to dear life but sheer will wasn’t enough to keep the liquid of life in. So, I woke up in paradise.